Lisa Links: Defund the PoLISA hires AOC socialist staffer

POSTED 3 July 2023

Late January of this year, Jeremy Parkin tweeted,

“I don’t think it’s hyperbole at this point for anyone, including elected officials, to say that the only way we make our cities safer is by defunding the police departments.”

Apparently Lisa Brown agreed – just weeks after Parkin’s anti-police policy proposal she paid Jeremy Parkin Consulting of Astoria, NY to plan her voter outreach strategy for her Spokane run for Mayor.

Who is Jeremy Parkin?  According to his LinkedIn account, he began his political career in 2016 as an organizer for Bernie Sanders.  By 2018 he moved to Spokane to join Lisa Brown’s campaign for congress.  After Brown’s unsuccessful bid, Parkin tried his hand at consulting for a year (2019).  On his resume he states among his accomplishments,

“Encouraged progressive candidates to run, including ​Spokane’s first woman of color to run for public office.” 

His knowledge of Spokane history is equal to his apparent knowledge of organizing as he doesn’t know about or dismisses political pioneer and businesswoman Spokane icon Roberta Greene.

2020 saw Parkin go back to Bernie before beginning a nearly 3-year job in Astoria, NY as an organizing director with Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) member Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Parkin, through his job with “AOC” published his support, carrying cards for fellow socialist Kristen Gonzalez who was elected to the NY State Senate.  Ocasio-Cortez has drawn recent criticism for stating earlier this year,

“Kristen is like the last Infinity Stone to the People’s Republic of Astoria. With her election, we now have DSA members elected to every level of government” in the neighborhood, AOC boasted on Thursday, ignoring China’s horrific history of committing human-rights atrocities, as she instead referenced a plot line from “The Avengers” Marvel series.

AOC’s “People’s Republic of Astoria” quip was quickly rebuked,

Brooklyn Councilman Ari Kagan, who grew up in Belarus under Soviet Union rule, ripped AOC and her socialist allies, who he said, “adore failed communist ideas that so many people ran away from.”

“Her statement is an insult not just to Chinese Americans who left the communist People’s Republic for a chance to live in a free Democratic society — but to all Americans,” he said. “The last thing we need here is to recreate the system where government stifles the market economy, exchange of ideas, free press and independent courts.”

Lisa Brown and a couple local writers have made anemic attempts to marry our Mayor to some sort of congressional conspiracyThey failed

The facts are that Lisa Brown is paying to and profiting from people who have official positions with anti-law enforcement and socialist party members of the U.S. House of Representatives and the United States Senate


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