A child murderer & police stalker to receive $500,000 for campaign to oppose justice improvements

Posted 21 September 2023

A Spokane County political committee called “Justice Not Jails” formed to oppose Spokane County Measure One has been pledged nearly half a million dollars by Empire Health Community Action Fund and Group Health’s Foundation.

When considering who they are giving half a million dollars to, one must ask the highly-esteemed and accomplished Directors of the foundations above, “What are you thinking?”

Measure One, appearing on Spokane County ballots this year, asks if voters choose to pay two pennies on a ten dollar sales purchase (vehicles not included) to fund improvements to county and city justice facilities and programs.

The Chair and Vice-Chair, the only officers of the No Jails committee, will control the spending of the half-million dollars, as per state law.

The two in charge of the campaign funding are …

Justice Forral, Chair of “Justice Not Jails”

Justice, in addition to being a socialist activist, is a comedian who finds it funny to claim,

“I treat Doctors the same way I treat Police, Snitches get stitches.

Justice also has a low opinion of Spokane residents as part of their bit below.

In the following video posted by Justice, they conduct their “street justice” by antagonizing police.

Stanley Harewood, Vice-Chair of “Justice Not Jails”

SPOKANE - 9/6/2002 -- Associated Press
Man, 30, pleads guilty in shooting of toddler

A Spokane man pleaded guilty yesterday to second-degree murder in the shooting death of 3-year-old Pasheen Bridges.

Stanley J. Harewood, 30, agreed to the plea rather than face trial on a more-serious charge of first-degree murder, Spokane County deputy prosecutor Mark Cipolla said.

The toddler was killed Feb. 9, 2001, during a shooting rampage at a north Spokane home that erupted after a soured drug deal.

Harewood is already in the state penitentiary in Walla Walla, serving a 14-year sentence for an unrelated crime.”

Harewood is also listed on the statewide registered kidnapping and sex offender website (scroll to bottom of page).

Again, what are these health foundations thinking? Certainly not about those who protect, serve and keep us safe and healthy.


Lisa Brown planned and attended event with convicted domestic terrorist & attempted murderer.


Commerce Connection: How Lisa Brown funded an attempted murderer