Riley’s resignation begs questions

POSTED 19 June 2023

Update 6/20/23 - Riley Smith’s political consulting website is offline as of now

As published in The Spokesman-Review on 6/14/23 Spokane School Board Member Riley Smith has announced his resignation from the Spokane Public Schools Board citing conflict-of-interest with a new public service job that he has apparently accepted. His resignation is effective 6/16/23.

Several sources believe that Smith will assume the position of Eastern Washington representative for United States Senator Maria Cantwell.

While Smith would not announce his new position, he has not shared whether he will continue to serve in other important capacities. One such position is Treasurer and consultant to Council Member Betsy Wilkerson’s campaign for Spokane City Council President.

Smith is likely leaving the Wilkerson campaign in the middle of public disclosure (see below) and ethics allegations.

In a recent letter to the WA Public Disclosure Commission (PDC) addressing several allegations of campaign finance violations by the Wilkerson campaigns in 2021 and 2023, Treasurer Smith states,

“Please let me start by saying that I am a new treasurer and this is my first experience with a lot of the things mentioned here.”

Smith’s firm, Rising Tide Consulting, LLC lists just he and Sean Gannon. The firm’s website describes at the top of their services, “Responsible treasury and compliance assistance so you don't have to stress about reporting deadlines and PDC regulations.”

Late last year, the WA PDC ordered Riley Smith to pay a civil fine for violating state law, failing to file his required financial disclosures as a Spokane Public Schools director.

Smith is hardly new to campaign politics.

He served as Treasurer for his own campaign in 2021, manager to Wilkerson in 2021, manager to his brother Zack Zappone’s 2020 campaign for legislature, consultant to Zappone’s 2021 campaign for Spokane City Council, provided financial compliance consulting services to county prosecutor candidate Michelle Morales in 2022, and is a current consultant to Spokane City Council candidate Paul Dillon.

Smith’s bio on his political consulting website reads, “Riley Smith focuses on fundraising, compliance, and budget development. Riley has a background in non-profits, campaigning, and legislative affairs, recently running Betsy Wilkerson's 2021 campaign and working as a legislative aid in City Hall.”

Inlander former reporter Daniel Walters has shared on social media that Smith was fired from his position with the Spokane City Council.


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