Did you and I pay for Julie Garcia & Friends’ Trip to Sin City?

POSTED 30 August 2023

On July 31, 2023 Spokane council president candidate Betsy Wilkerson sponsored funding of $12,500 in taxpayer money to “Jewels Helping Hands” through the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA).  On August 18, 2023, Julie “Jewels” Garcia announced on Facebook that “JHH leadership team building trip 2023 begins.”  Jewels posted,

“The leadership team leaves tomorrow evening for a four day team building trip. Without a strong leadership team we can not expect to have a strong #teamjewels.”

Did the leadership team travel to a strategic planning seminar? Did they set up shop in a retreat center for their 4-day team building experience? No. Forget the flipcharts and sticky notes … We’re helping our hands to Vegas baby, Vegas!

Thanks for sharing the pictures …

Julie Garcia, husband/treasurer & “Jewels Helping Hands” team building at Ceasar’s Palace.

A quick check of airfare on Southwest reveals that 6 passengers to/from Las Vegas from Spokane is $6,000.  Sharing two people per, 3 rooms in Vegas for a total for 3 nights, on a budget could start around $1,000 (come on, we have standards - definitely not camping in tents). Lowballing estimates, the total for airfare and lodging for the “team” was around lucky seven grand.

“Jewels” and team ready to start their team building as posted on their Facebook page.

But, wait … One can’t team build on an empty belly!

Why wouldn’t the team and hubby be happy after dinner at world famous Yardbird? I’ll have the The Whole Bird for $76 before tax and tip! Do we have to pay taxes, when we are paying with taxes?

Thank you Betsy! Anyone up for dessert? After all, we’re on vacation, er … um, I meant TEAM BUILDING! Yeah, that’s the ticket!

What’s dinner and dessert with out a show?

“Jewels” posted “Micheal Jackson One show was the best one I’ve seen.” Come on Julie, at least spell the King of Pop’s name correctly, after paying over a hundred bucks.

Upon her return, “Jewels” re-posted,  

“Whatever you self medicate with, drugs, alcohol, men/women, gambling, food, porn, whatever only you know……Your not alone.”

At least there was a little left over for the homeless …

“Jewels” was good enough to post upon her return to Spokane that the nonprofit food pantry was “all stocked up.”

Hangry? Call Betsy Wilkerson (509) 625-6269 and ask her for an audit of the “Jewels” team building trip. Since Lisa Brown is so big on budgets, call her too (509) 903-6137.

Better yet - share your thoughts in a Letter to the Editor (click here)


We’re not Fools “Jewels.” Sign the Petition Today!


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