2023 People’s Poll, plus year’s top 4 stories

Posted 26 November 2023

Since our experiment in raising the reporting bar in Eastern Washington and beyond began, we have worked together and brought light to many of the stories previously only known to political “insiders.” Our tips frequently do not come from the deep state, but from everyday citizens who have reached out, provided perspective and not settled for “you can’t fight City Hall.”

As 2023 winds down, please help us gear up for the stories that need to be told. Won’t you take a couple of minutes and take the poll below to keep us on track and On the Ball?!

UPDATE: Apologies - due to tremendous feedback, we exceeded our poll response limit. Thanks to all of you who provided prompt input!

Here are our most-viewed stories from our first five months …

  • POSTED 30 August 2023
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    On July 31, 2023 Spokane council president candidate Betsy Wilkerson sponsored funding of $12,500 in taxpayer money to “Jewels Helping Hands” through the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA). On August 18, 2023, Julie “Jewels” Garcia announced on Facebook that “JHH leadership team building trip 2023 begins.” Jewels posted,

    “The leadership team leaves tomorrow evening for a four day team building trip. Without a strong leadership team we can not expect to have a strong #teamjewels.”

  • Posted 24 September 2023
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    In 2003, Michael Poulin of Spokane, WA made national news as the FBI conducted a manhunt for him, as the sole suspect of power grid sabotage in multiple states. As reported by the CBS national desk, Poulin finally surrendered in October of 2003 in California and explained his reluctance to surrender,

    "The attorney general, because this covers any number of jurisdictions, refuses to tell me what I'm facing," Poulin said. "Because the threat of a terrorism charge hangs over me, I could end up in Guantanamo Bay," the facility where the United States is holding terror suspects.

  • Posted 6 November 2023
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    Just when you thought those attacking our Mayor couldn’t go any lower, they slither through their October surprises and enter November leaving this steaming pile of not pumpkin pie.

    They don’t even attempt to conjure up a semi-believable narrative. Almost giddy in delivery, the hired voice-over actor opens with,

    “When my childhood home burned to the ground this summer in the Gray Fire, my family looked to our leaders to help. But Spokane Mayor Nadine Woodward didn’t stand with us.”

  • POSTED 10 July 2023
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    In 1994, nearly 30 years ago, Lisa Brown was in the WA legislature and voted for the “Ethics in Public Service” bill. State law (RCW 42.52) includes an important section entitled, “Employment after public service.” The section states,

    “(1) No former state officer or state employee may, within a period of one year from the date of termination of state employment, accept employment or receive compensation from an employer if:

EDITOR’S NOTE: On a personal level, I want to thank you all for your support. As a volunteer group, we don’t always get to every suggested story … yet. Please keep your ideas, information and inspiration flowing. And, I will do the same. Happy Holidays to you and yours.

All my best, Robin


Zackrabbit “Zippy” Zappone trying to pull another fast one


Dems hire a pornographer to produce this year’s sleaziest political ad