Dems hire a pornographer to produce this year’s sleaziest political ad

Posted 6 November 2023

There really are no words to describe the following political ad that aired at halftime yesterday during the Seahawks game:

The above political ad was paid for and placed by the Washington State Democrats.

Just when you thought those attacking our Mayor couldn’t go any lower, they slither through their October surprises and enter November leaving this steaming pile of not pumpkin pie.

They don’t even attempt to conjure up a semi-believable narrative. Almost giddy in delivery, the hired voice-over actor opens with,

“When my childhood home burned to the ground this summer in the Gray Fire, my family looked to our leaders to help. But Spokane Mayor Nadine Woodward didn’t stand with us.”

This is how little the Washington State Democrats think of Spokane voters. That there is actually a wildfire-devastated victim who has found themselves in a political ad speaking with the verve of a pitchman for the county fair or a second-rate Keith Morrison impersonator reading a Dateline promo.

It continues,

“Instead she stood with … Matt Shea, praying for fire to consume Spokane. And Nadine Woodward got her wish. Hundreds of homes just like mine were destroyed that same day.”

To politicize pain and suffering and mock actual victims with a made up man’s story. Nothing could be more deserving of denouncing. Where are Zack Zappone and Betsy Wilkerson to lead the writing of the resolution to take their state party leaders to task for this abomination? Where are Lisa Brown’s sanctimonious speeches?

And who would agree to produce this should-be career-ending commercial? One of Spokane’s or even Seattle’s budding or seasoned cinematographers? Who would sell their integrity for thirty pieces of silver? Actually, $3,200.


The Washington State Democratic Party thankfully couldn’t find anyone in the Evergreen State to bring their ridiculous and insulting script to our screens, so they fluffed up freelance film-guy Spencer Byam-Taylor out of Los Angeles. When Spencer isn’t shooting spec videos for Bernie Sanders, he shoots softcore porn for Playboy as well as scenes from what one might imagine to be the Jewels Helping Hands Holiday Party.

How can stations like KHQ air this trash? How can people and organizations give money to the Democratic Party after this - especially knowing that the porn industry is tied to human trafficking and most certainly perpetuates the objectification of human beings. Think about that the next time Lisa Brown waxes poetic about human dignity and empowerment.

The fact is the Democratic Party wouldn’t have to go producer shopping in the porn studios of Los Angeles if they would put out messages that Washington State talent could stomach.


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