Which Spokane Council appointment hopefuls gave what and to whom?

POSTED 8 August 2023

As posted in today’s Spokesman-Review, nine citizens have applied to fill the vacant South Hill city council seat opened when council member Lori Kinnear was appointed to council president, filling Breean Beggs’ spot as he left having been appointed to the Spokane Superior Court bench.

The current city council members will select from among the nine applicants and the chosen one will serve on council through the general election (roughly 3 months) in November.  None of the appointment applicants are candidates (to be elected in early November will be either Katey Treloar or Paul Dillon) for the position, however Cyndi Donahue did run a campaign this year for the same seat, but was defeated in the primary last week.

To shine more light on the appointment process, we thought it would be important to look at the political donation habits of the nine would-be, short-term council members hoping to gain the favor of the six-member council and become council member seven.

According to the Washington Public Disclosure Commission

Names in red have donated to current council members.


Mary Ann McCurdy

has donated a total of over $5,000 between 2008 and 2024 - all to Democrats.  She has donated $300 to Betsy Wilkerson, $255 to Zack Zappone, and $25 to Lori Kinnear – all current council members who will decide the political appointment.


Debra Conklin

has given just over $2,600 to Democrat politicians, including herself from 2010 to 2022. 
She has donated $150 to Zack Zappone.


Ryan Oelrich

has made donations between 2021-2023 totaling $1,750, all to Democrats. 
$250 of this went to Betsy Wilkerson.


Barry Barfield

has made one political donation in the amount of $50 to Betsy Wilkerson.


Rob Higgins

has totaled just under $7,000 between 2007 and 2022, mostly to the WA Realtors PAC. 
Other donations over the years are a mix of Democrats and Republicans.


Cyndi Donahue

political donations total just over $1,600 between 2021 and 2024, all to Democrats.


Michael Adolfae

has donated between 2011 and 2019 for a total of $675 only to Democrats.


Hadley Morrow

gives small amounts only to Democrats for a total of $145 between 2021 and 2022.


Kelly Brown

has not donated to any candidates as per the PDC.



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