Meet the lawyer hired by “Jewels” to allow Camp Hope next to schools

POSTED 10 August 2023

How many lawyers does it take to kill democracy?  A lawyer joke would work well here if the situation wasn’t so serious. 

Once again, Spokane radicals have looked to a Seattle litigation log-jammer to disenfranchise our voters.

Activist Attorney Knoll Lowney of Smith & Lowney based in Seattle loves socialists.  So much so, that he has donated to (just one example linked) and is legal advisor for (again, just one example) Seattle socialist city council firebrand Kshama Sawant who believes that congress members Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) and Pramila Jayapal “the squad” are not socialist enough

Lawyer Lowney has been hired by Julie Garcia, protest and propaganda director for “Jewels Helping Hands” and Ben Stuckart - failed candidate for Spokane Mayor and disgraced Garcia grifter – to sue to keep a Spokane decision off the ballot that asks voters whether the homeless can camp within 1,000 feet of schools, daycares, parks and playgrounds.

This is not the first time in recent memory that Lowney has come to the 509 to silence Spokane voters.  In 2021, Lowney was hired by environmental extremists, councilmember Kake Burke and The Lands Council to prevent voters from deciding whether the city council could take away consumer energy choice – especially natural gas.

We are awaiting the coming Court decision.  Let’s hope that newly-appointed Superior Court Judge Breen Beggs doesn’t catch the case!


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