BREAKING: Wilkerson, Zappone & staff denied dismissal by Spokane Ethics Commission

POSTED 26 July 2023

This afternoon, the volunteer citizen Spokane Ethics Commission ruled that council members Betsy Wilkerson (and aide Mark Carlos), Zack Zappone (and aide Jeff Gunn) must proceed through the ethics complaint process.

All four city employees requested in writing that the commission dismiss their charges, insisting that they did nothing wrong (click here to see complaints and responses).  This lack of self-awareness would make Bernie Madoff blush. 

The Commissioners disagreed and voted unanimously that the complaints were properly submitted, jurisdiction was established, the allegations are not minor or frivolous and that according to Spokane Municipal Code SMC Section 01.04A.110 2.A

“The complaint alleges facts which, if found to be true, would be sufficient to constitute a violation of the Code of Ethics.”

Wilkerson and staffer Mark Carlos appeared before the commission today.  Zappone and his staffer Jeff Gunn did not show.

Now, all four are faced with a decision.  They can either stipulate their wrongdoing and reach an agreement with the Ethics Commission, or they can press the issue through a full hearing process that allows for witnesses to be called and other such pseudo-courtroom procedures. 

One of the defendants present said that it is likely that Zappone staffer, Jeff Gunn, will leave his city employment before the Commission conducts its next meeting.

The hearing was very matter-of-fact as the procedures played out and each case was determined meritorious.  There was one moment of levity when Wilkerson was asked procedurally if she was a member of the Spokane City Council.  She responded with something along the lines of,

“Well I was five minutes ago when I walked in the door.”

An ethics hearing is an odd place to reveal some sense of humor.

We will keep you up to date on the process.  You can also review all Spokane Ethics Commission items at their website.

Thanks for staying On the Ball 509!


Brown’s not so great debate
