Brown’s not so great debate

POSTED 27 July 2023

Lisa Brown’s debate performance last night was as cringeworthy as Janet Jackson’s Superbowl wardrobe malfunction.

As reported by KHQ, referring to her “Camp Hope” support while director of WA Department of Commerce,

"One of the first things that happened was we contracted with the Empire Health Foundation who brought in nonprofit providers to both count, badge, etcetera," Brown said.

Just two days before, attempting to explain why a state ethics law doesn’t apply to her Brown posted,

“I negotiated no contracts at Commerce.”

Not even “Loophole Lisa” can two-step her way out of this one.  Apparently, she doesn’t negotiate with truth tellers either.

Then there was the awkward moment as she struggled to peer over her podium, Lisa said, “You can look at the dashboard on our website” to see where the Commerce “Camp Hope” millions went.  There is no “dashboard” on  This is a continuation of Lisa’s ethical conundrum – does she still think that she works at Commerce?  Her campaign is full of claims that as mayor, Lisa will play the WA Department of Commerce like a loose slot machine.

The state ethics law (RCW 42.52.080 (5) that Lisa Brown voted for in ’94 states,

“No former state officer or state employee may at any time subsequent to his or her state employment assist another person, whether or not for compensation, in any transaction involving the state in which the former state officer or state employee at any time participated during state employment.”

As a former state officer, this law appears to prohibit Lisa Brown from working with Commerce, now or in the future, to assist in the securing of funding or “any transaction” for the City of Spokane, the County of Spokane, the City of Spokane Police Department, Empire Health Foundation, or any other entity that she participated with while at Commerce. 

Last night, Lisa Brown also said that Empire Health Foundation has an audited financial statement that details where all the Commerce Camp Hope funds went including subcontractors like “Jewels Helping Hands.”  We at On the Ball 509, and we suspect others, are actively seeking evidence of this audit.  We will post as soon as we can find it – but it’s proving as elusive as Betsy Wilkerson’s property tax bill.

You can help by calling Lisa Brown’s campaign at 509 903 6137 and asking for a copy, or better yet, ask her to publish it on her website.



UPDATED! State Auditor: Lisa lacking in government tracking


BREAKING: Wilkerson, Zappone & staff denied dismissal by Spokane Ethics Commission