Lisa Brown’s pint-sized debate performance

Posted 12 October 2023

Mayor Woodward looks on as too-little too-late Lisa Brown attempts to explain her neighborhood homeless parking program.  Photo: Colin Mulvany/The Spokesman-Review.

Last night, The Spokesman-Review’s Northwest Passages hosted their popular “Pints and Politics” debate at Gonzaga University’s Myrtle Woldson Performing Arts Center. 

Brown’s Cornerstone Homeless Proposal Navigates Homeless to “Car Camp Hope” locations in Neighborhoods

Lisa Brown doubled-down on her (un)safe homeless parking lot proposal.  Reporter James Hanlon covered the debate and writes in today’s Spokesman-Review, 

“Brown would support designating a safe legal place where homeless people living in vehicles can park, while also providing services to help them find housing. She said there are more people living on the streets than the city has beds for, and that living in a vehicle is one of the last steps before being unsheltered. 

Woodward rejected the idea as unsafe, saying residents do not want such a parking lot in their neighborhoods. She said those living [in] vehicles should be brought into shelters. 

“A car is not a home,” Woodward said.”

Brown continues to insist that the program proposed by her and “camp hope” minister of protest and propaganda - Julie Garcia, have evidence of “car camp hope” programs that work.  Brown’s preferred provider, Empire Health Foundation proposed a “car camp hope” program in Spokane for a million taxpayer dollars last summer.

The Woodward campaign provides ample evidence that institutionalized homeless car camping programs up and down the West Coast from Tacoma to San Luis Obispo do not work.

Woodward has stated in conversations that Brown’s homeless parking programs are nothing more than a Julie “Jewels” Garcia continued navigation to her concierge to crime services.

In today’s Spokesman-Review debate coverage, signs of trouble in the quid pro quo relationship between Lisa Brown and “Jewels” Garcia may have come to light.  The S-R reports, 

“Camp Hope shouldn’t have happened, and there won’t be a Camp Hope on my watch,” Brown said.” 

This must have incensed the justice-evading Julie “Jewels” Garcia and her embezzling husband “Jewels Helping Her Hands” Treasurer Jason Green.  The Garcia-Green tax-money-making matrimony arrangement has likely been kicked to the curb by Brown as the couple has been reported for publicly paying for corporal punishment in Las Vegas with federal grant money.

Lisa Brown with Julie “Jewels” Garcia, Ben Stuckart at “camp hope” celebrating their success in transferring tax-payer money to a project described in the news as “Lord of the Flies on Drugs.”


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