Robin’s Roundup: Mayor stands tall, more Wilkerson woes & the anti-justice league grows

Posted 29 September 2023

Happy Friday!  And, welcome to another edition of Robin’s Roundup – our effort to keep the 509 On the Ball with the latest that’s not in the mainstream news.

Woodward Stands Tall at Debate 

In case you were not able to watch yesterday’s mayoral debate, you can enjoy it here.  Woodward commanded the conversation with Brown standing down on many issues.  Lisa Brown finally admitted that her fixation on Matt Shea has gone on long enough.  Also, Brown stated that Spokane’s Proposition One will pass because citizens are frustrated – she still opposes the Clean & Safe campaign

From the EDITOR:  Don’t be fooled.  While proposition one is very popular, there is a reason that Brown backed down and is publicly predicting passage – she is counting on people not getting out the vote.    

Wilkerson Woes: Hypocrisy Springs Eternal

Last Monday at Spokane City Council, defending her non-censure censure of our Mayor, Council Member Betsy Wilkerson went to great lengths to preach the virtues of elected officials being held to a higher standard. 

In February of 2022, Wilkerson voted to censure Council Member Jonathan Bingle for not wearing a mask.  Reported at the time, “KHQ also reached out to Councilwoman Betsy Wilkerson who has been seen in some photos not wearing a mask but in those photos, she is holding her mask or has it within arm's reach.”

Wilkerson’s worst is that her business, Moore’s Assisted Living Inc., a healthcare facility for vulnerable adults, was cited by the Washington Department of Social and Health Services Aging and Long-Term Support Administration among many other violations, for:

 1) “A visitor was not screened for illness prior to being permitted entry to the facility.”

2) “The facility did not have a log book to record screening results of visitors and staff.”

3) “The facility did not perform daily screening of residents for signs/ symptoms of illness.”

4) “Staff and residents were not wearing masks or protective eyewear.” 

Soon, we will be releasing additional State investigation findings on Betsy Wilkerson’s assisted living facility failures involving egregious patient neglect including the failure to provide cancer and bladder medication to residents.  Stay tuned.

Opponents of Spokane County Measure One Latest Protest

Anti Measure One Money: Felony & Murderous Management

As we have posted, opponents to Spokane County ballot measure 1 don’t like jail, and they know first hand.  This week, the anti-justice league named their campaign managerAngelique Sam.  According to The Spokesman-Review, in their 2006 story, “Charges filed in killing of baby”,

“A first-degree assault charge was upgraded to second-degree murder Monday against a Spokane foster father suspected of beating a 20-month-old boy who died Sunday.

A police affidavit for a warrant to search the home says Avery Sam has convictions for drug possession, second-degree attempted theft and drunken driving. The affidavit also says he was arrested in Arizona on suspicion of involuntary manslaughter while driving drunk, but officers hadn’t been able to determine whether Sam was convicted on that charge.

His wife, Angelique P. Sam, 34, also known as Angelique Tomeo, has two felony warrants for three counts of alleged forgery.”

We continue to question Spokane’s Empire Health Foundation and Seattle’s Inatai Foundation that have pledged nearly half a million dollars to support the anti-justice committee’s campaign to defeat measure 1.  How could the Directors of these organizations entrust their donors’ money to such a collection of criminals?

The great news is that a Spokane citizen-based committee has formed to promote Measure 1 and our hopeful new community correction center. 

Visit: Jobs for Justice for more information.

A “Redneck” Hosts Lisa Brown’s Champagne Campaign Party

Yesterday, headliner Jay Inslee stayed away from ultra-liberal FUSE Washington’s Spokane chapter “Champagne for Change” fundraiser.  He has Covid.  Or, could it be because of recent reporting that Lisa Brown’s domestic terrorist and attempted murderer event host Michael Poulin might show up?

The Spokesman-Review reported recently,

“ … the Woodward campaign highlighted mayoral challenger Lisa Brown’s own association with a man reportedly convicted of attempted murder in the 1970s and later convicted of federal charges related to tampering with electrical grid infrastructure in northern California.”

The champagne party people might have had something a little stronger on hand for former Washington State Speaker Joe King who was an event sponsor.

Joe King (pronounced Joke-ing), ran unsuccessfully for Governor in 1992 and is one of Lisa Brown’s mentors.  In a famous Seattle Times article, “The Selling Of Joe King -- House Speaker Emphasizing He's A `Can-Do Moderate'”, author Jim Simon’s piece brings to light the highly transactional and political chameleon nature of the formerly powerful politician in a manner that is eerily similar to Lisa Brown’s nebulous nature.

Simon wrote,

“When it comes to dealing with violent criminals, King says, "I'm basically a redneck."

That was quite a quip, even in the pre-woke early ‘90s.  How to be a fly on the wall at yesterday’s party featuring Spokane’s liberal elite.  Maybe that’s why Jay really stayed away?  After all, it was Jay Inslee who let attempted murderer Le’Taxione out of a life-sentence prison term, while Lisa Brown gave Le’Taxione $50,000.00 of taxpayer money while he sat in jail for biting and strangling his domestic partner for an hour.

Murder, mayhem, measure one, a malaise debate performance earlier that day … and a “redneck” host.  Topics to toast must have put the pain in the champagne campaign event.


“Jewels” recent post is the essence of entitlement


Lisa Brown planned and attended event with convicted domestic terrorist & attempted murderer.