“Jewels” recent post is the essence of entitlement

Posted 30 September 2023

In a post that is the epitome of alternate reality …

Julie Garcia - chief “camp hope” protest producer who “Happily Helped Her Hands” to $1.5M of Lisa Brown’s half-a-billion-dollars in federal-audit-deficient Commerce Connection money is actually asking where the money goes?

The most obnoxious and crazy-making part of the post below is that Julie Garcia and “Hoping to Help His Hands” Jewels hanger-on Tom Robinson are actually demanding that the Salvation Army and the Mayor are to blame for messes made by those who use facilities in shelters?

Thanks to Jewels and Tom Robinson, we can all see how some (not all) of the “guests” treat the facilities at the Trent Resource & Assistance Center.

If this is how shelter facilities are treated by some of the homeless, it is difficult to make a case for multi-million dollar “free” tiny home homeless programs.

Jewels isn’t posting pictures of the continued environmental cleanup of the mess she left in East Central.


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