Betsy Wilkerson plans troubling “trifecta”

POSTED 27 June 2023

Promising “Leadership that listens,” Betsy Wilkerson mailed a fundraising letter (click here to view) kicking off her campaign for Spokane Council President earlier this year.

She starts off pleasantly enough - with a vision of bridge building, solutions that “work for all,” and caring for our own.  If only she had stopped there.

By her second paragraph she is burning those bridges with alarmist us-vs-them language including not just predictions but promises of “corporate special interests that spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to smear our candidates and try to buy our elections.”

After asking “grassroots supporters” for up to $2,000, Betsy Wilkerson pens one of the most troubling passages put to paper.  She shares,

“If we win this race, preserve the Council majority, and help Lisa Brown win her race for Mayor, we can create Spokane's first-ever progressive trifecta. We can enact our values and pass our policies in full force.”

Political fundraising pitches are not known for subtlety.  Not to attempt to outdo her hyperbole, but Betsy’s political “trifecta” is tyrannical. 

If a different politician shared a political plan of creating a conservative values trifecta in order to pass “our” policies in full force, imagine the outrage.  Betsy Wilkerson would steal the mic with calls of calculated oppression. 

EDITOR’S NOTE: This is not the leadership or attitude that I want representing me in the city of Spokane. This doesn’t seem like “leadership that listens”- it’s more like domination that dictates. 

Elected officials are public servants in a representative government that is “of the people, for the people, and by the people” and with letters like this it seems like Betsy has forgotten that fact.

“Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely.” – Lord Acton


Robin’s Roundup 2: Will Wilkerson require City Council “Employee 1” to step into the sun?


Homele$$ Money Trail from Your Tax Dollars to Lisa Brown’s Dept. of Commerce to her Campaign Coffers