Robin’s Roundup 2: Will Wilkerson require City Council “Employee 1” to step into the sun?

POSTED 28 June 2023

EDITOR’S NOTE: Last Monday we launched On the Ball 509.  In the short time from then until now, we have received over two thousand page views.  509 greetings to whomever is checking in from Ireland!  Thank you all for reading, sharing, and keeping On the Ball 509 On Our Toes with your suggestions and feedback!

We hope you enjoy this second edition of “Robin’s Roundup,” featuring items of interest and a forecast of stories to come. 

Asking “Who’s on First,” Betsy Loads her Bases. 

Brushing off concerns about unpaid property taxes, Betsy Wilkerson said, “It truly was one of those innocent ‘who’s on first’ kind of things that slipped through the cracks.”  With Wilkerson apparently too busy to tend to her personal responsibilities - serving on city council, running a business as well as running for Spokane Council President - why would she add more to her plate?  Wilkerson is now the President of the Association of Washington Cities (AWC).  Reported yesterday, Wilkerson assumed that role stating, “Our 281 cities and towns are diverse in perspective and each of them brings something unique to the table. I look forward to bringing our voices together to create opportunities for all.”  It is unclear as to whether the AWC members are aware of Betsy’s published plans for a partisan “trifecta” to “control policies in Spokane in “full force.” Does she have the same plans for all Washington Cities?

A Dave by Any Other Name.  

Dave “M” has filed an ethics complaint against members of the Spokane City Council citing “1st Amendment rights, discrimination, bullying, defamation & abusive treatment and harassment.”  At issue is whether Dave can provide comments at council meetings identifying himself as only “Dave M.”  According to Mr. M’s complaint (see link above) and his supporting emails; he has gone to great lengths to meet with council members and their staff in person over coffee to establish that he in fact is a citizen of Spokane and has no motive for nondisclosure of his last name when addressing Council beyond personal privacy.  This issue was discussed extensively at a council meeting on 4/23/23 (at about an hour in).  During that discussion, Karen Stratton said that this feels “creepy” and Betsy Wilkerson asked, “If you cannot share your last name, how much am I to value what you are saying?” She continued, “It’s kind of almost being hidden in the shadows.” 

Speaking of the shadows …

City Council Staff Must Step Into the Sunshine

In the Spokane Police Ombudsman report December 12, 2022, page 31, there are clear concerns about City Council staff behavior.

“When City Council Employee 4 was asked if they were aware of any “leaked” privileged or confidential information they indicated an issue with an employee within City Council, City Council Employee 1. It was alleged that City Council Employee 1 took a report provided by the Legal Department that was meant for the eyes of the named recipients only, of which they were not one. They took the report to an outside copying service, scanned the document, sent it to themselves, then removed any watermark or heat stamps through a mobile application. It became clear that what one might consider confidential leaks in City government greatly varied. A lot of City Employees take steps to give out information that is not theirs to give out.”

This is a perfect opportunity for Council Member Wilkerson to practice what she preaches and tell us who “City Council Employee 1” is – after all, and in her own words – how much are we to value what Betsy is saying if she won’t share names?

Like Council Member Karen Stratton said, “This feels creepy.”



“City Council Employee 1” is confirmed to be Betsy Wilkerson legislative aide Mark Carlos.


Betsy Wilkerson plans troubling “trifecta”